4 Reasons People Buy Real Estate

Recently, my boss shared with me a Harvard Business study that outlined four key reasons customers buy from the people they do. Consumers buy from businesses that:

1. Save Time
2. Provide Resources For Ideas
3. Provide Connections and Relationships
4. Stick With Them Through the Journey

My boss encouraged me to make sure to cover these bases in every sales call here I’m on with REDX clients. I would echo this invitation to you real estate agents. Try to cover all these bases in your calls to expireds and FSBOs.

1. How can you save a client time?

Let you know your prospect that you will save them time. The first way, an agent does this by assuming marketing responsibilities. The second is by showing them the network of appraisers, inspectors, and buyers you already have to get the ball rolling fast.

2. What new ideas can you bring to the table?

Especially when working with expireds, you have to show that you are able to bring something special to the table that agent before could not. Let the seller know what makes you different than the next agent in line. Let them know what you have up your sleeve that is going to get their house sold this go around. You have to have some unique selling point. Otherwise, your only selling point will be either lowering your commission or taking on listings priced too high.

3. Connections and Relationships

Buying anything these days is like joining a tribe. The same goes for an agent. You should treat customers in a way that makes them feel like they’re entering into a family. Some agents do this by renting out movie theaters and inviting all their clients for a client appreciation day. Others do this by throwing picnics, or taking families up in the REMAX Balloon. Come up with something that will connect your sellers together.

4. How can you share the client’s journey?

People tend to buy from companies that will be by their side step by step if needed, someone who will be with them to the finish line. As agent you can do this by being available to your clients. Agents are notorious for being elusive people to get ahold of. Make sure to let potential clients know that you won’t just grab the listing and disappear off the radar. You’re going to be the agent who gives them weekly updates, if not daily. You will explain your marketing efforts, report after showings, and show them you are accountable to them.

About Jefferson Snow
Jefferson Snow is a member of the Sales team at REDX and loves to help real estate agents find success with REDX. When you call REDX 800-731-7339 you should ask for Jeff. He lives in Utah with his amazing wife Callie.
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