5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Real Estate Agents

The real estate profession is for social media marketing opportunities. Search engine optimization (SEO) and the world of social networking can be intimidating at first, but it’s not as complicated as you might think. When done correctly, social media marketing can result in a significant rise in website traffic, resulting in more clients and more profit for you. Here are some tips on how to effectively use social media for marketing purposes and broaden a connection with your local market.

1. Post About Your Neighborhood

Show off the listings in your local neighborhood through pictures and descriptions that will catch the eye and trigger engagement.

This will market the area to prospective residents as well as show your passion and knowledge about the community, making you a trustworthy source for interested buyers.

If there is a new community being constructed, post updates about the area and how it will improve the lifestyles of new and current residents.

2. Always Use Images

Attaching images to your updates will result in more views, likes, and shares, as they are more likely to attract the eye than just blocks of text. Show off how beautiful the city surrounding your local market is through photographs and video.

3. Show That You Care About Your Clients

When you are face-to-face with your clients you show them that you care, so why not extend this courtesy to social media?

On your Facebook page, nicely welcome your most recent new homeowners and include a photo of them in front of their new home. This shows that you engage with your clients and that you follow up with them.

4. Post Your Listings

MLS isn’t the only place to advertise property listings. 20 percent of your content should be about you and your product. When you post the listing, be sure to avoid making it seem like a print advertisement. Write about the home and it’s selling features, including the price.

Be sure to keep this post engaging by asking questions about the property and seeing what people like about the home, the neighborhood, and the community. Post about your scheduled open houses a few days before they happen.

5. Post About Events In Your Neighborhood

Show your current and potential clients how wonderful your neighborhood is and the different local events going on around town. If you are going to be attending an event, invite your followers to join you. Ask questions to spark engagement, such as what kind of events your followers would like to see happen in the area.

If your goal is to be a successful real estate agent, look to REDX. We lead the industry with innovative data verification, lead generation products, unmatched data quality and original real estate solutions so you as an agent can make more money, work more productively, and help more homeowners in less time. Call us 800-731-7339 for the best in real estate solutions and increased listings today.

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