The Official REDX Real Estate Dictionary
As a real estate agent, it’s crucial to have a firm grasp on industry-specific terminology to effectively navigate the world of prospecting, lead generation, and marketing. This real estate dictionary will help you better understand the language used in the real estate business – and familiarize you with key concepts and strategies essential to your […]
7 Solid Scripts for a Low Inventory Market
Agents who know how to recognize, respond, and adapt to changing markets are the ones who outlast the competition. With inventory and interest rates at an all-time low, you should be adjusting what you say on the phone to land appointments and take listings. These low inventory scripts offer creative ways to craft your conversations […]
7 Guiones Sólidos para un Mercado de Inventario Bajo
Agentes que saben reconocer, responder y adaptarse a los mercados cambiantes son los que sobreviven a la competencia. Con un inventario y tasas de interés a un nivel más bajo, usted debe ajustar lo que dice por teléfono para obtener citas y tomar listados. ¡Estos guiones de inventario bajo ofrecen formas creativas de crear conversaciones […]
The Hard Facts About Pre-Foreclosure Scripts
Face the facts: selling houses is hard work. Selling a pre-foreclosure is even harder work. Think about all of the effort you have to put in just to get the owners attention, let alone all the leg work it takes to track down those leads. Fortunately, with REDX’s unbelievable Vortex prospecting system, finding and selling […]