Keep Your Clients Coming Back for More: Tips for Outstanding Service

It’s a sad but true fact that many people have come to expect poor customer service as a part of doing business. So when a company or individual provides excellent service to their clients, they will pointedly stand out above the rest.
This applies to real estate agents in an even more dramatic way. Real estate is a people-focused business. As a Realtor, you are in a unique position to be part of one of the most significant financial and personal decisions that an individual or family makes in their life.
Selling or buying a home involves more than just a financial transaction. For those involved, it means a complete change in their lives. So how you serve your clients is an invaluable factor in whether your business succeeds or fails.
Be honest. Whether it’s fair or not, Realtors sometimes have a reputation for being less than ethical. Much of this comes from bad agents who give everyone else a bad name. Don’t be that realtor.
Be upfront with clients, including buyers, about every aspect of the sale. It is better to have a buyer walk away than to gain a reputation for being untrustworthy.
Communicate. Follow up with your clients after every showing or open house to give them feedback. Even if the news isn’t good, the faster you do this, the better. Use bad news as an opportunity to work with your sellers to improve the show-ability of their home. Provide staging tips and pointers that will increase their chances of success. Instead of being the bringer of bad news, you will be the hero that swoops in to save the day.
Exceed Expectations. Always do what you say you will do. If you can’t deliver on a promise, DON’T MAKE IT! Then try to find little ways to do more than what you said you would.
Send a thank you card, get back to them earlier than promised, go the extra mile. Find ways to do things your client isn’t expecting. The gesture might be small, but the positive impression it makes will be big.
Be personable. Friendliness is contagious. Who doesn’t prefer to work with someone they like? Get to know your clients. Ask them questions about their jobs, their families, what’s important to them. Not as a technique to find their pain points but just because you are interested.
Find things that you have in common with them. This doesn’t mean you have to create lifelong friendships with each and every client. Just make them feel that they are important. This will create the kind of loyalty and referral business that will pay you back ten times over in the future.
The bottom line. Customer service is, and always will be, the difference between a mediocre Realtor constantly fighting to find new business and one whose loyal followers provide return business and referrals on a consistent basis. Which one do you want to be?

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