Newsletter October – 2010: Taking the Fear Factor out of Prospecting

Do you break-out in a cold sweat when it’s time to prospect by phone? You are not alone. For many the fear of objection gets in the way when dialing the phone. Fear of rejection, fear of hostility, fear of stumbling over your words can cause anxiety that may stop you from picking up the phone. Here are a few steps that you can take to prepare yourself for the task at hand.
Be aware of your mindset. Connecting with people over the phone takes energy, positive energy. Creating positive energy is a simple mathematic equation; create a surrounding that has more positive influences than negatives ones. Make your calls first thing in the morning when you are fresh and alert. Avoid watching television or listening to news that can be disheartening, instead start your day with inspiring music helping you to be creative, positive, and happy.
Change your focus. Fears are a result of insecurity. Instead of focusing on yourself, shift your focus to the needs of the seller. What is the seller trying to accomplish? Why are they moving? How can you help them? These questions will shift your focus from your fears to their needs. The results of this focus shift will not only remove your fears, but it will help you connect with the seller. When you show a genuine interest in their needs sellers will feel your sincerity and will be more willing to accept the help you are offering. Remember sellers are not interested in you, but they are interested in what you can do for them.
What’s in it for them? We already know that FSBO and Expired listings want to sell their home. The unknown is their motivation for selling. Are they preparing for a job transfer, or a change in their family status? Ask clarifying questions to gain an understanding of what this move is providing for them. The more information you obtain from the seller the more you will be able to empathize with the challenges they are facing. Understanding their challenges increases your ability to create solutions.
Create your own scripts. Making calls is not as fearful when you have prepared scripts to keep you focused. Scripts give you confidence to stay in control of the conversation. If you are using scripts written by someone else, take time to modify them, making the language style match your natural speaking style. Remember you have 20 seconds to make your impression on the phone, however to make a real connection with the seller takes 60 to 90 seconds. Do not rush! Make sure your asking fact-finding questions.
In conclusion, the fear of using the phone for prospecting is real and sometimes hard to overcome. Creating positive energy and changing your focus are effective tools to overcome your fears. Remember that change happens with time and the old adage of “practice makes perfect.” Implementing these steps over and over will help boost your confidence and dissolve the fears that you may have.

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