How Realtors Made a Difference Using REDX to Prospect Expired Listings – Part 1

“Prospecting expired listings is good for the industry because we take a bad experience where clients are frustrated and unhappy and we come in and show them what we can do to sell their home and get the job done.”  – Kelly French, Realtor.

Read on and watch the video to see why Lee and Wendy Malik were excited to receive so many calls from real estate agents after their home was taken off the market.

Happy Expired Listing Homeowners

The Maliks hoped to sell their home so they could move and start a new career. It should be no surprise then, that they were devastated after six months of working with an ineffective agent and their home not selling. Lee and Wendy were unsure what they should do moving forward – disenchanted with their first experience, they didn’t have faith that their home would sell.

Why These Expired Listing Homeowners Were Happy To Receive Calls From Agents

After taking their home off the market, they were encouraged by all the real estate agents who called and wanted to come by and see their home.  They were especially impressed with one Realtor, Kelly French, who had recently seen success working with other sellers in their neighborhood.  Kelly took the time to get to know the Maliks and understand what they expected and needed from an agent.  Lee says that “she was very thorough” and showed them how to give their home a “quick second chance” on the market.

They put their house back on the market on Wednesday – by Friday they had multiple offers above asking price.  Receiving competitive offers on their home felt relieving and exciting, and they almost didn’t believe that Kelly had found them so many offers within such a short amount of time.  

Wendy shared how the agents who prospect expired listings provide a great service. “They are there for you and [let you know] that it’s not the end,” said Wendy. “They knew that we were in a bad situation and don’t want to deal with another agent.  The fact that they took the initiative to give us a phone call without knowing how we felt about relisting lets us know that they are willing to do whatever it takes to sell our home.”  

So, what do you think?  Do agents who prospect to expired listings help or hurt the real estate industry?

Share your thoughts below!

Click here to see Part 2 of this series

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