Success Stories: Prospecting Expired leads Transforms Lives (Part 2)

“Prospecting expired leads in the real estate market is wonderful because it takes a negative experience out of the consumer’s mind and it makes it a positive one,” said Scott Cramer, Realtor® in Orange County.  

This is one of the reasons that many homeowners are grateful to be on an expired lead list when their home doesn’t sell.  

Don’t believe it?  

Read on and watch this video to see why Bertha (a widowed homeowner) was thankful to be contacted by real estate agents after her home expired on the MLS.

Let Down By Her First Agent

Bertha’s first agent set very high expectations and made glowing promises for how and when she was going to sell their home.  These promises left Bertha and her family surprised, stressed, and irritated when the home didn’t sell.  Their story is not unique, many families encounter a similar experience after listing their home – you may have even worked with families in this circumstance before.  It’s no wonder that at this point many homeowners turn their backs on the industry and sell FSBO or take their home off the market.  However, having lost confidence in their first agent after their home expired, Bertha’s family chose to give it another shot and interview applicants to re-list their home with a more successful agent.  

“Got All Excited” Because of Her Second Agent

This is when Scott came onto the scene – this is when everything changed for Bertha’s family.  For almost six months they put up with a what they felt was a pushy, demanding, and unsuccessful agent; you can imagine the sour perspective they probably had for the industry.  Teaming up with Scott to sell their home (which he did at full asking price in less than two months, by the way) was a unanimous decision made by the family.  They all met together with Scott and asked him an array of questions about their home and the market.  He educated them on why their home didn’t sell and how they could work together to make sure that it did this time around.  Bertha “got all excited” again and felt for the first time in months that her beautiful home would sell for what she felt it was worth.

Making A Sour Perspective Sweet

After having an experience that made them leery of working with another agent, Bertha’s family needed a proactive, understanding, and successful partner like Scott to get their home sold. If not for Scott prospecting expired leads, he never would have found Bertha and she likely would have never changed her view of agents, or our industry.

Do you believe now?

Prospecting expired leads helps homeowners get what they deserve out of their homes.

Click here to go to Part 1

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