Short Sale Leads in a Nutshell

Short sale leads can be the basis for establishing a lasting relationship with a client and make for a long-lasting career.

Short sale leads are increasingly common in the real estate market; homeowners want to sell their properties as quickly as possible, and that’s good news for you.

Short sales are unlike FSBO’s, expireds or pre-foreclosures; the owner is making the information readily available for any agent interested.

In a sense, with REDX’s prospecting platform, Vortex, you will have the advantage not only because it is cherry picking the best leads in your area, but also will eliminate the issue of how to find short sale leads.

How do I use REDX to find Short Sale Leads?

REDX’s patented Vortex prospecting platform allows agents like you to easily and readily access various leads for more than 200 unique areas across the United States. For short sale leads, REDX will provide you with daily updates on your respective location, allowing you to act quickly and effortlessly. Unlike looking through the real estate section, or worse, driving around looking for properties, REDX allows you to easily navigate and organize all of your potential prospects from the luxury of your home.

Once you have located your short sale lead, you will then be able to compile the necessary information with the help of a custom script, which you can write for each of your potential leads. Because short sale leads are so time sensitive and well sought after, it is crucial that you have all your information ready at a moments notice.

Sign up with REDX Today!

Signing up with REDX will not only grow your inventory and client list, but also give you the ability to hone your skills on a variety of leads. REDX provides its Vortex system for FSBO’s pre-foreclosures, expireds and short sale leads.  

To recap, short sale leads are incredibly helpful in developing relations with clients and establishing your business due to their no-strings attached deal. They are highly sought after and will be acquired quickly. Luckily with REDX, you have the ability to confidently acquire those sales with all of the necessary tools you require. Go to to see first hand how our Vortex system works. Sign up today!

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