The Hard Facts About Pre-Foreclosure Scripts

Face the facts: selling houses is hard work.

Selling a pre-foreclosure is even harder work. Think about all of the effort you have to put in just to get the owners attention, let alone all the leg work it takes to track down those leads.

Fortunately, with REDX’s unbelievable Vortex prospecting system, finding and selling pre-foreclosures, FSBO’s, and expireds has never easier. Vortex’s patented algorithm condenses terabytes worth of data for more than 200 unique markets and formats them in a methodical and simple workflow. Agents who use Vortex not only double their inventory, but receive higher satisfaction reviews from their clients.

Because Vortex takes care of the legwork, it allows you to focus your attention on the most important aspect of selling: the client. But what else can Vortex do when it comes to satisfying the client? Can it help me with writing scripts and organizing them accordingly to each specific client? Yes, Vortex allows you to handle each client and your last stop on where to find pre-foreclosure scripts.


Why having a Pre-Foreclosure script is so important?

Unlike other prospecting platforms, REDX’s unique tool grants you the ability to write your own custom pre-foreclosure scripts, and organize them accordingly to each sale of your preference. This can be especially important when selling a pre-foreclosure given the sensitive nature of the sale. Because pre-foreclosures by nature have to be a quick sell, these properties can be very lucrative for the agent, not to mention great for expanding their inventory.

However, many times the information for the property provided by city records, ads, or by the owner have incorrect or missing information. REDX’s Vortex system, has got you covered. By giving you all of the correct information and displaying it in readable workflow, you will be able to land that sale. By readily having a pre-foreclosure script that is easily accessible with the rest of the property’s crucial information, you’ll not only set yourself apart from other agents, but give you the confidence necessary to land this sale.

Sign up with REDX Today!

In the Real Estate industry, knowledge is power. With REDX’s Vortex Prospecting platform, never fumble over information when reading your pre-foreclosure scripts again; Sign up with REDX today at

Read testimonials from both clients and agents, learn how to organize and customize your personal prospecting page and see that for only $39.99 a month, you can get access to every pre-foreclosure property in your area. Sign up today!

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