Why We Love Expired Lead Listings

It might sound strange, but at REDX, we love hearing the word expired. Here’s why: Expired Lead Listings are a great resource that allows realtors the opportunity to let their business grow substantially. However, acquiring and prospecting these leads once took a lot of time and footwork. They weren’t exactly anything to get excited about.

What used to take hours and sometimes days can now be accomplished in a matter of minutes with REDX’s state of the art Vortex system. Instead of looking up expired’s, verifying all the homeowner data through tax records, 411 info or other online sources, Vortex allows you to organize your leads for your respected market so you can strategically prospect to the best expired leads. 

But how do you use REDX’s Vortex system and how can expired leads help you gain profit and expand inventory? In this blog post, we will help you understand Expired Lead Listings, Why they are Valuable, and how to use them.

Understanding Expired Lead Listings:

“Expired Lead Listings” refers to a property listing that did not sell during the time specified in their contract. Once that listing period ends, the property is marked “Expired” in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS).

Why Are Expired Lead Listings Valuable?

Unlike other real estate lead types, Expired listings are more qualified leads for realtors to target. If a prospect shows up on the expired list, you can usually make 3 educated guesses about that prospect:

  1. They recently wanted to sell their home.
  2. They worked with a realtor to get their home listed.
  3. Something happened that caused them not to sell their home.

This is different from other lead types because you know there is intent to sell their property. FRBO’s, GEO leads, and even Pre-forclosure leads will usually require a bit more work on your end to qualify a prospect.

REDX Expired Lead Listings in the Vortex Dialer on a Mac

How to use Expired Lead Listings?

As we mentioned before, REDX Expired Lead Listings allow realtors to expand their listing inventory. When an agent or homeowner is unable to sell their property within the designated time period, an expired listing is created. The owner could decide to re-list their home again with the same agent, or they may simply take the property off the market with the expectation that they will try again later.

Whatever the case there was a reason they wanted to list and sell in the first place, and you may be the right agent to interview for the job of selling their home the second time.

With REDX Expired Lead Listing’s and Vortex, you are able to view all the relevant property and homeowner information in your specific area. You can then organize and customize each of the listings in the order of your preference.

This not only saves you time and energy but also allows you to focus on developing a relationship with the client.

How to Get Expired Listings Phone Numbers?

As you may have noticed, most MLS’s don’t include a phone number within their platform. It is possible to find this information yourself but just be prepared that this process is time consuming and a little tedious.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to a lead service that finds that data for you, and provides it in a clean and intuitive user interface with REDX Expired Leads.

We find the phone numbers for expired leads, have industry leading connection rates, and connect you with super motivated home sellers so you can spend your time actually talking to qualified homeowners that are super motivated to sell.

How do I get started with REDX?

REDX is here to help your business grow and your client relations flourish. Our hope is that you will develop a long-lasting relationship with your clients. We trust that you’ll have more time to do so by using our leads and tools.

Get started selecting a lead source by clicking here.

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