Part Time Agent Finally Quits Job — Now Makes $250,000 Prospecting Expired Leads

Len Nevin Headshot

Len Nevin

From not being able to take a listing or sell a house to running an office of 200+ agents. Now I’m building my own team and teaching other agents how to control their career using REDX.

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Agent Profile


Len Nevin


Salt Lake City, Utah

Favorite Lead Types



$470K Annual GCI
80% Business from prospecting
100% Professional Confidence
4 Years in real estate
4 Years using REDX

Results on Day 1

When I first started with REDX I called for eight hours a day just to get business. I had my first big win on day one calling a For Rent By Owner. The investor asked me to find a few more properties in his neighborhood so he could rent them out. So I circle prospected with GeoLeads and found a lady who wanted out of two small rentals. I was able to represent both sides of the transaction and earn 6% on about $500,000. The seller went on to buy a bed and breakfast for a little over a million dollars in Southern Utah. Since then she’s bought and sold 17 properties with us.

I saw immediate results with REDX. I know that’s not everyone’s experience, but that was my experience – I was hooked.

REDX Sustains my Business

REDX sustains my business. I’ve been in real estate for four years and 80% of my business comes from REDX leads.

REDX is helping me build a database so that I can eventually grow out of cold calling and grow more into just working my sphere of influence for the rest of my career. That’s a much easier business, much lower hanging fruit, but in order to have that you need to first build a database. Which is why I’m committed to prospecting every day – especially Expireds, FSBOs, and GeoLeads.

Now, after four years of prospecting with REDX, I’ve built up enough of a database that I’m starting to see repeat and referral business. But even after all that, REDX is pretty much my entire business.

Without REDX, I Would’ve Failed in Real Estate.

Had I not used REDX and gotten into prospecting from day one, my business would look a lot different than it does now.

I don’t even think I’d still be in business because I wouldn’t have that steady income coming in. REDX gives me projectable income – where I can project what I’m going to make for the year based on how many contacts I make every day.

Confidence to Provide For My Family

REDX has also given me a level of confidence that only comes from self-trust. Without the consistent business I earn from prospecting, I wouldn’t trust myself to produce at a high level. I’d probably have pretty low self-esteem because I couldn’t trust myself to go out, find business, and provide for my family.

But with prospecting, my self-confidence, my self worth, and everything else has gone up from generating business with REDX. Even though some people are mean to me on a daily basis, it really just matters what I think of myself – and I think much more highly of myself because I’m willing to put in the work.

The Leads I Use

My lead stack starts with calling new expireds, old expireds, and new for sale by owners. Then I’ll call FSBOs that are up to two weeks old. From there I use GeoLeads to keep calling until I hit my daily contact goal. GeoLeads will take more contacts to set an appointment, but when you do set an appointment with GeoLeads, they’re usually slam dunks. And even if they don’t list or buy with you now, you add them to your database so they will do business with you later.

I am getting back into For Rent By Owners as well because there are a lot of investors holding a lot of money that are ready to jump in if the market ever turns. FRBOs are a great way to pick up those investors.

Len Nevin’s lead stack


Starting at $69.99 /month

  • Directly target your REDX leads and database on social media
  • Monitor and maximize your ad performance
  • Build your brand and generate leads online
Explore GeoLeads

Power Dialer

Starting at $59.00 /month

  • Dial 80+ leads per hour
  • Call between 1-3 lines at the same time
  • Spam monitoring and remediation
Explore Power Dialer

Expired Leads

Starting at $69.99 /month

  • Skiptrace service for expired listings in your MLS
  • High urgency - actively trying to sell their home
  • Willing to pay an agent commission
Explore Expireds

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