Find investors and landlords looking for new opportunities.
Help landlords cash out on vacant rental properties.
Close multiple deals with a single FRBO contact.
Enjoy less emotional conversations with business-savvy professionals.
REDX checks for duplicates and filters out leads managed by property management firms.
Know when FRBO prospects fall under other REDX lead types.
Your new list of potential transactions will consistently support your business.
One subscription provides your team with all REDX Leads, including FRBO leads - everyone works the same high-quality database.
Assign leads, and track their progress. From calls, contacts, and appointments, everyone stays accountable.
Get your team trained on FRBO prospecting in 3 days with access to our prospecting bootcamp and FRBO conversion courses.
Features | FRBO Leads |
Daily FRBO Leads Delivered to Vortex® | ||
FRBO Filters (location, pricing, etc.) | ||
Vetted For Accuracy | ||
Mobile Numbers / VOIP | ||
Numbers Cross Checked Against DNC | ||
Look Up Additional Phone Numbers | ||
Email Addresses | ||
Market Trend Data | ||
Home Owner Financial Insights | ||
Home & Building Specifications | ||
Lifestyle Insights | ||
$59.99per month |
$79.98per month |
Starting at $69.99 /month
Starting at $49.99 /month
Starting at $49.99 /month
Starting at $59.00 /month
FRBO (For Rent By Owner) Leads are contact information for investors and landlords who may be looking to cash out or expand their portfolio.Â
FRBO leads typically have less of an emotional attachment to their properties and are open to working with real estate agents. Many agents are even able to close multiple transactions from a single contact.Â
For Rent By Owner Leads will convert to listings at nearly 2x the rate of your sphere of influence. A lot of FRBO leads are stuck paying out of pocket for an empty rental unit. Show them that cashing out can alleviate stress while putting cash in their pocket.Â
Many FRBOs are active investors looking to expand or diversify. A strong relationship with a single FRBO may lead to a lifetime of transactions.Â
Understand how real estate investing works so you can have smooth conversations with business-savvy investors. “Net Operating Income, 1041 Exchange, and CAP Rate” are a few key terms to know and understand.
Yes! REDX Teams comes with up to 5 licenses of Expireds, GeoLeads™, FSBO, FRBO and Pre-Foreclosure Leads. Book a Demo to learn more.Â
Choose your leads and tools to start closing more deals today.
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